Wow guys! Sorry that it's been so long since I even wrote on here. Ya know I started all this for me, kind of as a way to keep me accountable and remember my journey along the way but I'm telling you what.. life is busy!
You know I love music, so that song... "I love this crazy, tragic, sometimes almost magic, awful, beautiful life.. " it sure rings true here in my life today!
Teaching 28 children every day, taking care of myself, working out and just living day to day takes it out of ya!
I commend those women and men in my life and out there reading this who have families to take care of... I don't know how you do it. Those of you who worry about me being single... don't! I barely have enough time on my hands to spend some time with my own parents, much less a boyfriend! :) But when it comes around I'm sure we'll make do ;)
I've had such a crazy life and things going on lately it all seems like such a blur as I sit to write all this. In the weight loss terms of things my weight has really changed much. I've played around back and forth with about 4-5 lbs. the last month and well... that's frustrating to say the least but one thing I won't do is back down or GIVE UP!
In the last few weeks one of the things I've discovered that I really enjoy is early morning work outs.. Yes my alarm goes off at 4:45am and YES most mornings I think to myself, "OMG, really?" But I know Marie will be there, expecting me and pushing me and I also know that afterwards I will feel banging! I still go in the afternoons and am loving all of that!
I want to share a few things with you about me that some of you may already know but some of you might not-
In all honesty, looking back to January 2013 I never ever even slightly imagined I'd be right here today! I just didn't know if I had it in me to keep going like that and really fight all those odds. I am a completely different person now... one that some days I don't even recognize myself.
I was, and sometimes am still completely addicted to food. I remember Aaron telling me that I was probably addicted to food and how tough it was going to be to kick that addiction and really do this thing! He would tell you right now that he had his doubts about me all the time and he never really knew if I'd stick this out or make it past month 2. I know how proud he is of me and how much work we've put in and I'm not willing to ever throw all that away.
My journey isn't over and if you're reading this and on the same journey or thinking you just wish you had the motivation to get out there... Just go! Get off the couch, get some help, find support, join a YMCA, find a trainer.. whatever is going to make it happen- Go for it! I promise the only thing you have to lose is some weight. You're going to gain so much more through all this experience.
What I've Gained (not weight)
I have had so many non-scale gains over the last 9 months I could write for days about them. One of the largest gains I've had would have to be in my faith and beliefs. I have wonderful people around me, one of them being my incredible mother among many others who life their life in such a way that it astounds me. I know that there's absolutely no way I could have ever come this far completely on my own.
I found my best friends on the gym floor- here I go with music again.. but that song "I found Jesus on the jail house floor..." just came in my mind because honestly the GRIT floor is where I found and continue to find my best friends! After every single workout it seems like we jusy lay their in our own disbelief in our abilities to complete such a work out. It is by far one of the best workouts I've done and I love it! If you haven't tried it- check it out! I'll even go with you :)
Confidence- I've always been a fairly outgoing person, one who had a good mix of friends and enjoyed spending time with as many of them as I could but I never had as much self confidence as the people around me. I know that I'm not a drop dead gorgeous super model, but I don't intend to be one either. I'm happy and healthy and have a different kind of confidence about myself.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger--
I'm sure she doesn't remember this- but a LONG time back, like when I first started this journey I was dying on the treadmill I was way over 200 lbs then and just wanting to get off. I had been texting back and forth with Marie who ended up being on the other end of the cardio room then. At that time we weren't as close, and she sent me this text, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!" I won't ever forget her sending me that becaue it motivated me to keep going. This week was one of the toughest I've had in a while in many aspects but I've been overwhelmed by the amount of out pouring love and support from my friends and family! They rock-
Here's some pics of what you've been missing.....
So sweet when she knew I was feeling down....
This is my mom and I and Mary Kate and her mom Teresa. Our moms were college roomies and best friends! She got married a few weeks ago and was probably one of the most genuinely happy brides I've ever seen! And pretty gorgeous too!
Went to Mumford & Sons with some awesome peeps!
Celebrated Jan's birthday.... in Columbia.. yes I was a Gamecock for a day!
Had an awesome time with these lovelies! Can't wait for their wedding!
This girl has been by my side since 2nd grade... she never gets old! I love her dearly!
Had so much fun being with these girls! The best time ever!
Gotta love some motivation while you're trying NOT to fall on the stair climber...... how lucky am I ?
And I hope you've all got some amazing people in your life like these girls who really pulled me up when I was feeling down! They rock!
My kind of care package from a former student:
Apple, Fitness Magazine, and hot tea!
My life is crazy and beautiful and stressful and magical all at the same time! It's not going to always be perfect, but I hope you are as lucky as I am to have someone supportive, and who loves you to keep you going! Make sure they know just how much you appreciate them!
Stay tuned.......